Sunday Jun 04, 2023
June 4, 2023: You Must Be Crazy - Kent Dobson
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
It can feel good to quote Jesus when he says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” But in this text, none of that seems true. People are not supposed to have a home, bury their dead or treat their families with respect?
While these words are challenging, Jesus is inviting his followers toward a single-minded way of life. One that is devoted to and focused on the true, good and beautiful life of the Kingdom. This is in keeping with the traditions found within Judaism and Christianity – both seeing God as one. If God is one, then we are invited to live and be the same.
Sunday May 28, 2023
May 28, 2023: Bringing the Fire - Michael Hidalgo
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
There are plenty of stories of fire falling from heaven on perceived enemies of God. Whether the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, or the one that seems to be reflected in 2 Kings 1 where Elijah twice confronts messengers of Ahaziah with fire from heaven that consumes them. It is no wonder then, that James and John wanted to call down fire from heaven; it was part of their tradition. As much as there may have been precedent, it seems Jesus is not interested in their ideas of violence; instead, he rebukes them in the same way he rebuked the sea. Although the Samaritans rejected Jesus, he did not seem interested in punishing them.
Sunday May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023: I Am (Not) The Greatest - Jonathan Merritt
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
Jesus, once again, speaks of the upside-down nature of the Kingdom of heaven as he speaks of the pursuit of being least. In our context, we award the best, fastest, strongest, and those who win. Jesus confuses everyone by saying it is the “least among you all who is the greatest.” We say this, we hear this, but what does this mean exactly, and what does this look like in our context today in Denver?
Why are we enamored, as a culture, with the “next best thing”? Is it possible that there is something within us that knows this world was created in perfection? Is it possible that something hardwired deep inside us knows that things are supposed to be better? Is it this longing that leads us to pursue “stronger, better, faster”? The mysterious answer to that question seems to be found in the journey of descent.
Sunday May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023: Coming Down the Mountain - Michael Hidalgo
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
From a “mountain top” experience to the depths of pain: Jesus is approached by a father who is begging for healing for his son. What parent would not do everything and anything they could to find healing for their son? But in a seeming turn Jesus does not seem to respond with compassion, rather he responds with exasperation. And to whom is he speaking? There is little that is clear here in this story regarding his response.
One thing we do know – whatever the cause of the son’s maladies – there is something wrong with what is happening. This is why Jesus heals the boy, and the people are amazed at the greatness of God; yet another phrase which is also unclear in this context. Are they saying that Jesus is God? Are they praising God because of Jesus’ actions? We are left to wonder. What seems clear is the opposition that will face Jesus and his followers, even after moments on the mountain top.
Sunday May 07, 2023
May 7, 2023: Let’s Stay Here - Michael Hidalgo
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
In Luke 9.28-36, Peter, James and John witness something extraordinary: Jesus’ pedestrian clothing change into magnificent, gleaming robes, his face changes in appearance, and two of the greatest prophets show up- all surrounded by glory. Somehow amidst this incredible experience, the disciples become fully awake to all that was going on...they could see.
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
April 30, 2023: Having It All For Nothing - Michael Hidalgo
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
We invest, save, work, achieve, accumulate, gain for what? Jesus asks, “What good is all of this if you end up forfeiting your soul? This powerful question pits the external against the internal. So often we take our cues from our society, family, culture and surroundings so that we might catch a glimpse of what the “good life” is, and in doing so miss what is really stirring within.
Perhaps, in order to not forfeit our souls, we need to learn to access and listen to them. Perhaps be must understand this thing within us is God given and wishes to speak to us. It is what God has wired within us from the very beginning and wishes for us to discover.
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
April 23, 2023: Fake News or Breaking News? - Michelle Cazas
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
In Luke 9:18-20, Jesus asks a question of his disciples regarding his identity. They repeat what Luke wrote earlier in chapter 9: Elijah or John the Baptist or perhaps another prophet. But Jesus is not content with just knowing what others are saying, he wants to know what they would say.
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
April 16, 2023: You Can Do This - Michael Hidalgo
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
There is a key line in the story of Jesus feeding 5,000+ people. “You give them something to eat.” Of course, the dumbfounded disciples point out the obvious. They barely have enough for five people, let alone 5,000. This is of no consequence to Jesus, he asks them to bring what they have - five loaves and two fish. And then, the disciples give the people something to eat.
There are several miracles unfolding in this story, including the way the food was distributed - by the hands of the disciples. How often do we think we don’t have enough? How often do we think we are not enough? Maybe, we only need to bring what we do have to Jesus, so that, like the disciples, we may find we have everything we need to serve others.
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
April 9, 2023: What Things? - Michael Hidalgo
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
In Luke 24, the two disciples on the road have their eyes shut and do not know Jesus. Their eyes are only opened when Jesus breaks the bread, symbolizing his broken body. This is how we learn to see Jesus in our sorrow; by his sharing his brokenness with us.
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
April 2, 2023: The Visible God - Michael Hidalgo
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Our theology of separation is not only between us and the earth, but also between us and God. We often imagine God somewhere out there and we are down here. Our task, if we choose to accept it, is to say or do or believe any number of things to make it to where God is. This story has maintained traction in the human psyche for centuries. But it is not a story found in the Sacred Text. The story told in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures is about a God who “is all and is in all.” A God who is not only with us, but One who holds “all things together.” A God who is here.
God’s plan is for us to be God’s presence, light, life and life right here, right now. What might it say to us as human beings that we are invited to be that in our world? While it may sound above us, it also has the power to tell us how God feels about us as humans. Perhaps we have set the bar too low, and, in doing so, believe that Jesus did it all and we can simply enjoy the ride. Should we think this way we will forget we are not passengers; we are crew. Each of us has a part to play in being the presence of God in our world.